C:\Windows folder purge
I have a bunch of folders in my C:\Windows folder i.e. ($NtUninstallKB975467$). Can these folders be deleted?1 person got this answerI do too
August 14th, 2010 9:29pm

I have a bunch of folders in my C:\Windows folder i.e. ($NtUninstallKB975467$). Can these folders be deleted?These are the uninstallers for windows updates. In the future if you want to uninstall some of these updates you will not be able to do so!Are you in a shortage of space? Even deleting them will solve your issue. Best if you bough a bigger capacity HDD and reinstall windows. nass -- http://www.nasstec.co.uk
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August 14th, 2010 9:35pm

Nass Thanks for your assistance. Space is not really an issue. I was just wondering if I could delete these files without causing any problems. If the version of windows I am currently running, after these installs have been applied, appears to be running okay, why would I want to uninstall them?
August 14th, 2010 9:39pm

DWH01 wrote:Nass Thanks for your assistance. Space is not really an issue. I was just wondering if I could delete these files without causing any problems. If the version of windows I am currently running, after these installs have been applied, appears to be running okay, why would I want to uninstall them? ... because things can/have and could happen again that might require you uninstall a given patch in order to make something *you* want to work do so. Few and far between - but possible/has happened. However - your computer, your stuff, your risk. It's a small one. You could even burn the directories to a CD, set it aside just in case and delete them. However - if you don't (desperately) need the space - you gain *nothing* other than maybe some OCD relief from removing them.-- Shenan Stanley MS-MVP --How To Ask Questions The Smart Wayhttp://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
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August 14th, 2010 10:15pm

Thanks for your responses everyone. Don
August 14th, 2010 10:19pm

On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 18:29:04 +0000, DWH01 wrote:I have a bunch of folders in my C:\Windows folder i.e. ($NtUninstallKB975467$).  Can these folders be deleted?If you are absolutely sure that you will never need to uninstall theupdates they represent, yes.But unless you are very short of disk space, I wouldn't. No matter howunlikely the need to uninstall an update might be, you never know.Ken Blake
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August 14th, 2010 10:29pm

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